Research Hub
Coal Transitions is an international research platform which aims to develop credible and feasible trajectories and policy guidance for deep transitions in the coal sector in major coal using countries.

Coal power plant and wind turbine – Pixabay License – Picture by pixel2013
Coal represents 28% of global energy consumption. However, meeting commitments under the Paris Agreement on climate change requires a significant reduction in coal consumption across the globe. In many coal-dependent countries, this raises significant political, social and economic issues.
Coal Transitions aims to promote
- a deeper understanding among relevant national and international stakeholders of the implications of global climate mitigation activities for the future of coal production and consumption
- societally acceptable transition away from coal, to marry coal phase out with economic renewal and a just transition in key countries
- knowledge and acceptance of new narratives on the future of coal, enabling conditions, and concrete steps for national coal phase out strategies
- exchange, learning and more coordination on transition policies at international level
Coal Transitions Origin and Hosting
We are an international research platform on coal transitions, independent from any particular funding institution or project duration.
We therefore openly encourage other academic scholars, institutions, or research projects to contact us if they want to be included on the website.
In its origins, this website built on extensive research from the project “Coal Transitions” (September 2016 until February 2019) funded by the KR foundation. IDDRI and Climate Strategies coordinated the original international consortium of 15 members. In 2018, TU Berlin’s CoalExit team took over the hosting of the Coal Transitions website . Since May 2020, the CoalTransitions Website has been considerably expanded to host the official web presence of the CINTRAN project, financed by the EU H2020, grant No. 884539.
The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect opinion or position of the funding agencies of the projects executed by the network and its researchers.