The Coal Transitions Project brings together local knowledge from major coal consuming and/or producing countries.


Australian National University: Centre for Climate and Energy Policy
The Centre for Climate and Energy Policy (CCEP) is a network of researchers and experts working on climate change economics and policy and analysis of related topics. CCEP is an organized research unit at Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University.

University of Melbourne: Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute
MSSI facilitates interdisciplinary sustainability research across faculties and centers at the University of Melbourne, and promotes research in a way that maximizes engagement and impact. MSSI emphasizes the contribution of the social sciences and humanities to understanding and addressing sustainability and resilience challenges.

The University of British Columbia
The University of British Columbia is pursuing excellence in research, learning, and engagement to foster global citizenship and advance a sustainable and just society across British Columbia, Canada, and the world.

Draworld Environment Research Center (DERC)
Draworld Environment Research Center (DERC, Beijing), founded at June, 2012, is a professional research center working on the themes of energy and environment policy, planning and project assessment in energy and power sector. The center targets of DERC, is to provide knowledge products and policy recommendations for China’s green economy development and the governance of global commons.

Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University diligently focuses on addressing the challenges faced by both Chinese and global societies by developing competitive and creative solutions, enhancing research efforts on strategic and global issues, and aiming for topics with significant prospective importance. As part of these efforts, Tsinghua actively engages in Asian/African/Latin American studies, and carries out mid- and long-term strategic studies on key issues of human societies.

Universidad del Magdalena
Universidad del Magdalena is a departmental public university whose main office is located in the city of Santa Marta, capital of Magdalena, Colombia. It has one of the largest campuses in the region.
It received high quality institutional accreditation from the Ministry of National Education, being the second public university of the Caribbean region to receive this distinction.
Czech Republic

Charles University
The Charles University Environment center conducts environmental research and provides environmental expertise and information for students, university staff and for the general public. The center collaborates with parliamentary bodies, state administration, non-government organizations and many academic and research institutions both locally and abroad.

Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)
IDDRI is an independent research institute and a multi-stakeholder dialogue platform who identifies the conditions and proposes tools to put sustainable development at the heart of international relations.

German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)
The Department of Energy, Transportation, Environment analyzes how an eco-friendly, competitive, and safe energy supply can be secured. The emphasis here is on sustainable energy supply, mobility and, above all, evaluating the costs of climate change and climate protection policy.

European University of Flensburg (EUF) - Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (ZNES)
ZNES at the University of Flensburg is an interdisciplinary research and development center for answering the pressing questions concerning the necessary future development of the energy supply, especially in the context of anthropogenic climate change. The institute’s research spans the development of detailed solutions in the field of sustainable technologies to the development of consistent scenarios or strategies to obtain 100 % renewable energy systems at the local, regional and national scales. The center is composed of different Professors from the University of Flensburg and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences.

Berlin Institute of Technology: Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy (WIP)
The main aim of the research project ‘CoalExit’ is to design a socially acceptable framework for an upcoming coal phase-out in Germany, as a basis for future regional transition frameworks. Subsequently, this inter- and transdisciplinary research analyzes the particular situation in other countries, i.a. China, Colombia, India, and South Africa, its implications on the global coal market, and the interdependence with other fossil fuel markets.

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany, was established in 1991 as the first and only centre in the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres to be exclusively devoted to environmental research in a great variety of fields. Founded in response to the severe pollution prevailing in Central Germany, the UFZ has become a world-wide acknowledged centre of expertise in the remediation and re-naturation of contaminated landscapes, as well as the preservation of biodiversity and natural landscapes.

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
IIMA aims to continue to be recognized as a premier global management school operating at the frontiers of management education and practice while creating a progressive and sustainable impact on society. Apart from its strong focus on industry and business management education, IIMA, since its early years, has engaged with sectors like agriculture, education, health, cooperatives, transportation, population studies, energy and public administration.

University of Groningen: Centre for Energy Economics Research
CEER is a center of applied research that focuses on the economic analysis of the role of energy (oil, gas, electricity, heat) in societies. CEER applies state of the art academic knowledge to important societal issues and cooperates with external stakeholders in order to contribute to solving these problems.

University of Bergen: Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)
The Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) facilitates actionable knowledge that informs policy and practice for a sustainable transformation of society to mitigate climate change. Interdisciplinary research centre based at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bergen.

Institute for Structural Research
The Institute for Structural Research (IBS) is an independent and politically neutral research foundation. Its research studies focus on economic analysis and evaluating the consequences of public policies on labour markets, demography, education, family policy, public finance as well as energy and climate.

Instrat is a Warsaw-based think tank focused on public policy advisory. We provide research and consult on digital economy, energy and environment, sustainable finance, labour market and inequalities. We act in the public interest, in our work we create and adapt open access & open source tools.
South Africa

University of Cape Town: Energy Research Centre
The ERC is a multi-disciplinary research center whose research aims at deepening knowledge and understanding of energy and development needs, problems, challenges and innovative solutions, as well as linkages between energy and other themes, including economic and social development and impact, environment and climate change.

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe. Its mission is to foster, coordinate, develop and promote scientific and technological research, of a multidisciplinary nature, in order to contribute to advancing knowledge and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to train staff and advise public and private entities on this matter.

Chalmers University of Technology: Physical Resource Theory
The research at Physical Resource Theory is challenged driven, interdisciplinary and aims at building knowledge about how to transform the society in a more sustainable direction.

Climate Strategies
Climate Strategies works at the science-policy interface, advancing climate policy through meaningful interactions between decision-makers and researchers across Europe and internationally. It is an international, not-for-profit research network with an expansive network of world-leading researchers as members. Find out more at

Sheffield Hallam University: Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research
As a leading UK policy research center, CRESR seeks to understand the impact of social and economic disadvantage on places and people, and assess critically the policies and interventions targeted at these issues.

University of Oxford: Smith School
The Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment seeks to apply impactful research with enterprise to shape business practices, government policy and stakeholder engagement. Its focus is on environmental economics and policy as well as enterprise management, financial markets and investment.

Northeastern University
The Northeastern School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs prepares leaders to address complex problems, serve communities, and build a just sustainable and resilient world.