24. May 2022CINTRAN regional stakeholder event in the Rhenish Mining Area
After two years of research under COVID-restrictions we are finally able to reach out and engage directly with stakeholders in CINTRAN focus regions. We will kick it off with a stakeholder workshop in the Rhenish Mining Area hosted by our project partner Zukunftsagentur NRW.

The workshop will be an occasion to present our research framework and first empirical results. The feedback provided by regional stakeholders will enable us to fine-tune our research activities and make sure our research results resonate with the needs and capacity requirements of carbon-intensive regions. The meeting will be held on 14 June 2022 from 10 to 16 hrs at the premises of our regional project partner Zukunftsagentur NRW.
Participation (anstelle der Kontaktinformationen):
For registration and inquiries, please email to max.schulze-steinen@wupperinst.org