02. May 2022Territorial Just Transition Plans, in Process and in Practice
The second CINTRAN capacity building event for the coal+ regions focuses on Territorial Just Transition Plans. The event aims at practitioners across the coal+ regions in Europe.
This event happened online on 19 May 2022. To read the post-event blog entry on “Exploring Territorial Just Transition Plans in 3 European regions” click here.

Date: 19th May 2022 10:00 – 11:00 (CEST)
Registration: Please register here
Focus Topic: Territorial Just Transition Plan
Focus Countries: Germany, Greece, Hungary, and Bulgaria
Quick description: What’s the plan now? Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) have been introduced as a prerequisite to the EU’s Joint Transition Fund, but in practice should serve more than just as a means towards one specific end (e.g. accessing funding). They are meant to outline specific impacts and operations for affected regions, and should include participatory opportunities, monitoring indicators and evaluation mechanisms to make the transition into a series of iterative cycles. This online session will explore 3 European regions’ experiences and lessons learned in the TJTP process, explore benefits and limitations of such instruments, as well as tips for ensuring that these documents truly guide a transition that is just.
The somewhat-abstract concept of a “Just Transition” may actually be most useful as a guiding principle that shines a spotlight on more cross-cutting transition pathways. By itself this concept is not always sufficient for negotiations about the precise goals of a region’s transition, and therefore requires something of a bit more substance.
By preparing TJTPs, decision-makers and other key stakeholders can identify the core socio-economic challenges for those territories most affected by their transition towards climate neutrality, and the specific measures they intend to take to address these challenges. However, developing a TJTP is more about the journey (i.e. the process) than the destination (i.e. the final document). Its development leads to a heightened understanding of the complex linkages between key priorities, responsible parties and needs for diverse kinds of resources, as well as can provide valuable opportunities for local, regional and national stakeholders to interact in a meaningful manner. When done well, such a cooperative planning approach can attain clarity about targets and gaps. The result is a reduction of many of the uncertainties and tensions that exacerbate anticipated/eventual challenges, and an ability to (collectively) focus on more urgent issues, such as resolving existing and imminent injustices.
What is the state of play for TJTPs around Europe? Has the process of creating, submitting and revising them resulted in positive outcomes and improved planning? Are the plans being developed in a way overly focused on projects and infrastructural improvements, or are they (also) being crafted in a way that remains people-centred and truly just?
Details about the event:
- Date: Thursday 19th May 2022 at 10:00 – 11:00 CEST
- Title: Territorial Just Transition Plans, in Process and in Practice
- The session will explore 3 European regions’ experience & lessons learned in the Territorial Just Transition Plans process.
- Speakers:
- Lukas Hermwille (Wuppertal Institute)
- Dimitris Ziouzios (Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia)
- Dr. Zsuzsa Piskóti-Kovács (Eszterházy Károly Catholic University)
- Dr. Rumyana Grozeva (Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency)
Please register here.
George Stiff
george.stiff (at) iclei.org | ICLEI Europe

The CINTRAN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 884539. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of CINEA or other EU agencies or bodies.