JRS 2022
The Transnational Centre for Just Transitions in Energy, Climate and Sustainability- TRAJECTS opens its Call for Applications for Junior Research Stays 2022.
Call for Applications for TRAJECTS Junior Research Stays 2022
TRAJECTS is a DAAD-funded project that seeks to create and/or strengthen research and teaching capacities on Just Transitions in Energy, Climate and Sustainability, especially in the Global South. Within this framework, Junior Research Stays (JRS) aim to support short research stays and/or internships (2-4 months) for young researchers from, within and/or to the Global South. Supported individuals are expected to come from one TRAJECTS’ institution (e.g. a university in Colombia such as UNAL) to intern and/or research at another TRAJECTS institution (e.g. an NGO such as AIDA). With this, the Centre intends to encourage extra-academic, interdisciplinary and international exchange.
During TRAJECTS (2021-2025), we expect to support 98 short research stays/internships for young researchers or practitioners, divided into 5 cohorts, one cohort per year. Approximately 25 JRS will be supported in 2022.
- Deadline for applications: May 6, 2022 at 23:59 Ger, 17:59 Col, and 00:59 in ZA.
- Notification of applicants: for rejections by May 16, 2022, for acceptance starting on May 30, and subject to individual placement deadlines and selection process.
- Implementation of Junior Research Stays 2022: Jul/Aug – Nov. 2022.
- Please note that some of the placements have additional recruitment requirements (e.g. interviews or technical tests) with additional deadlines, it is the responsibility of each candidate to monitor and fulfil the requirements and deadlines for individual placements.
In contrast to last year, as pandemic restriction has reduced, international travels in 2022 are possible, and we hope placements will occur physically unless different travel restrictions are in place.
Application procedure
- Applications should be submitted via application form with general documents (e.g. enrolment certificate, references, writing samples, etc.).
- Some specific documents required for the administrative host universities (UNAL or UCT) must be sent in a single PDF of max. 5 MB to the respective National Contact Point (see below).
- Please note that some of the placements have additional application requirements (e.g. language certificates, etc.) it is the responsibility of each candidate to monitor and fulfill the requirements and deadlines for individual placements.
- Candidates can apply to more than one placement if profile and requirements are met but should indicate their preference clearly in the motivation letter and application form (list first the preferred placement).
- Speculative applications are permitted, but applicants should get in touch with the host institution first, and submit together with their application a letter of acceptance from the host institution in order to apply to a JRS.
Eligibility criteria
- Scholarship funding: Grantees affiliated to a university as postgraduate students, PhD candidates, or researchers. Undergraduate students are not eligible.
- Allowance funding: Practitioners without direct affiliation to a university. Study degree/qualifications should be appropriate for the position, but no minimum requirement is needed.
- Either the sending institution of the applicant or the host institution must be members of the TRAJECTS network. In special circumstances, and upon approval of the host institution and the Steering Committee, applicants who are not yet part of a TRAJECTS organization could be considered (to be considered on an individual basis). See the call for applications for more details.
- DEADLINE: Applications and documents from applicants will only be received via the Electronic Application Form until the last day of the application period at 23:59 in Germany, i.e. 17:59 in Colombia and 00:59 in ZA. They must avoid sending general supporting documents by e-mail.
Scope of funding
- Monthly allowance of 860, – EUR/month for stays in the Global North or 400- EUR for stays in the Global South, for min. 75% of a full-time equivalent (FTE) position (here understood as 40h/week for 4 weeks in a month), preferably 3-4 months.
- Travel costs (real costs; budget for up to 400,- EUR for national travel /up to 1200 EUR for South-North intercontinental flight and up to 1500 EUR for South-South intercontinental flight). The budget for travel costs granted to each funded individual will be determined based on the travel distance.
- Insurance contributions of up to 89.- EUR will be covered for individuals travelling to Germany for the JRS.
- In contrast to last year, as pandemic restriction has reduced, international travels in 2022 are possible, and only presential/hybrid JRS are fundable.
Obligations of a grantee
- Complying with guidelines and regulations by host organization (e.g. work hours, confidentiality codes, etc.) for the internship/stay.
- Timely providing all the documentation required for formalizing the grant agreement and internship posting.
- Actively participating in feedback-loop to TRAJECTS:
- Writing and submitting 5-page internship report with key personal and thematic outcomes
- Design a research poster (to be published in Virtual Lab)
- Filling out internship survey to be distributed at the end of the internship/stay

This year, as a sign of solidarity with people who have fled the Ukraine conflict and face an uncertain future for their lives and careers, TRAJECTS has decided to allocate up to 5 JRS grants to students and/or practitioners in the areas of Energy, Climate and Sustainability that have fled the Ukraine conflict and would like to conduct an internship at an organization from our partners Network. These 5 JRS will be allocated following a simplified application and selection process:
Application procedure
- Applications should be submitted via email (to trajects.centre@gmail.com) with the following documents.
- Motivation letter including the organization(s) and topic(s) that you would be interested in for your internship.
- CV including your last affiliation in Ukraine
- Copy of your residence/study/work permit for the country where you will conduct your internship OR written statement on your current migratory status, and any applications to a residence/work/visa permit you may be applying to.
Timeline (second round in parenthesis)
- Deadline for applications: April 15, 2022 (May 2)
- TRAJECTS team presentation of candidates to host institutions: April 21 (May 13)
- Steering committee acceptance: automatic for candidates who are accepted by host institution and meet the eligibility criteria.
- Notification of applicants: on a rolling basis.
- Implementation of Junior Research Stays 2022: May– Nov. 2022
Eligibility criteria:
- Being a student or practitioner in TRAJECTS related fields in a Ukrainian institution who has fled the Ukrainian Invasion conflict in 2022.
- Intention and availability to conduct a physical internship / junior research stay at a TRAJETCS institution in 2022.
- Having a residence/study/work permit for conducting an internship in the country where you intend to make your internship or being in the process of obtaining one at the moment of application.

We are looking forward to your application. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
National Contact Point Colombia & TRAJECTS Latin American hub:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Nataly Díaz
National Contact Point South Africa & TRAJECTS African hub:
University of Cape Town
Michelle Pressend
Email: michelle.pressend@uct.ac.za
General queries and applications from applicants from outside Colombia or South Africa can be addressed to:
National Contact Point Germany and TRAJECTS European hub:
Technische Universität Berlin
Paola Yanguas Parra
Email: trajects.centre@gmail.com
Concrete questions to specific placements can be clarified via email with the placement contact point BEFORE the submission of the application.

The TRAJECTS centre is one of the four DAAD funded Global Centres for Climate and Environment which have received funding from Germany’s Federal Foreign Office. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the DAAD, the Federal Foreign Office or other German agencies or bodies.