SRS 2022
The Transnational Centre for Just Transitions in Energy, Climate and Sustainability- TRAJECTS opens its Call for Applications for Senior Research Stays 2022.
Call for Applications for TRAJECTS Senior Research Stays 2022
The Transnational Centre for Just Transitions in Energy, Climate and Sustainability- TRAJECTS opens its Call for Applications for Senior Research Stays 2022.
Senior Research Stays (SRS) aim to support research stays (4-7 months) of senior researchers or practitioners (over 6 years of relevant experience) from/at/within institutions of the TRAJECTS network. Either the sending or the hosting institution, ideally both, must be TRAJECTS partners.
Research conducted during the SRS must be relevant to TRAJECTS main objective and research topics, climate change mitigation in the following two key sustainability transition issues:
- Fossil fuel phase-out or,
- Changes in land management and ecosystem protection.
Download here a more detailed presentation of TRAJECTS objectives and research topics.
During TRAJECTS (2021-2025), we expect to support 45 SRS, divided into 4 cohorts, one cohort per year starting in 2022. Approximately 12 JRS will be supported in 2022.
Timeline – extended
- An overview of institutions interested in hosting a SRS (and the contact person within the institution) will be published in January 2021; individuals interested in the TRAJECTS SRS programme are encouraged to contact relevant host institutions to discuss/sketch a research project as soon as possible
- A definitive list of host institutions and their SRS placement offers will be published by February 1st, 2022
- Extended deadline for applications: April 29, 2022. 6 p.m. (CEST)
- Notification of applicants starting on May 14, 2022
- Implementation of Senior Research Stays 2022: May – December 2022. Starting at the latest on June 30th
Please note that some of the placements have additional recruitment requirements (e.g. interviews) with additional deadlines, it is the responsibility of each candidate to monitor and fulfil the requirements and deadlines for individual placements.
Application procedure
- Applications should be submitted via Google Forms (here) together with all required documents.
- Applications may be speculative or non-speculative. However, in either case, the applicant should get in touch with the host institution, discuss the intended research project, and present a letter of acceptance from the host institution in order to apply to a SRS.
- Speculative applications do not address a specific placement. In this case, the applicants are encouraged to contact institutions interested in hosting a SRS to discuss a research project. See the current overview of institutions interested in receiving speculative applications for SRS here.
- Non-speculative applications address a specific placement offered by a host institution; the definitive list with placements will be published by February 1, 2022. See the current overview of placements for non-speculative applications for SRS here.
- Please note that some of the placements have additional application requirements (e.g. language certificates, etc.). It is the responsibility of each candidate to monitor and fulfil the requirements and deadlines for individual placements
- Candidates can apply to more than one placement if the profile and requirements are met but should indicate their preference clearly in the application form (list first the preferred placement)
Eligibility criteria
- Scholarship funding: Senior researchers affiliated to a TRAJECTS-university or other higher education institution as PhD candidate or researcher and minimum 6 years of relevant experience.
- Allowance funding: Senior practitioners (with over 6 years of relevant experience) without direct affiliation to a university. Study degree/qualifications should be appropriate for the position, but no minimum requirement is needed.
- Either the sending institution of the applicant or the host institution should be members of the TRAJECTS network. SRS and applicants from outside the TRAJECTS network under special circumstances may be considered upon approval.
Scope of funding
- Monthly allowance of 1200.- EUR for stays in the Global North or 700.- EUR for stays in the Global South, for min. 75% of a full-time equivalent (FTE) position (here understood as 40h/week for 4 weeks in a month), preferably 4-6 months.
- Monthly allowance of max. 276.- EUR for a travelling partner without own income – subject to availability of funds and upon approval of the scholarship committee on an individual basis. Family support is only available for presential stays of min. 6 months.
- Monthly allowance per travelling child of max. 204.- Euro for child 1 and 2, 235.- EUR for child 3 and 276.- EUR for child 4 and further children – subject to availability of funds and upon approval of the scholarship committee on an individual basis. Family support is only available for presential stays of min. 6 months.
- Travel costs of up to 1.300.- EUR for one round-trip national or international travel. The budget for travel costs granted to each funded individual will be determined based on the travel distance.
- Insurance contributions of up to 145.- EUR will be covered for individuals travelling to Germany for the SRS and of up to 162.- EUR for grantees associated with a German higher education institution travelling to the Global South. Insurance contributions for individuals travelling within the Global South can be covered with the travel budget mentioned above, with the condition that the contributions are not higher than the ones already mentioned.
Application documents
- Application form in Google Forms (here)
- CV incl. proof of academic qualification
- Description of the research project (max. 5 pages)
- Letter of acceptance by the host institution
- If applicable: Proof of current affiliation to TRAJECTS network partner
- If applicable: self-declaration (proof if available) as a member of an underrepresented group
- If applicable: Other as requested by the host institution (e.g. proof of language skills)
Download here the 2022 Call for applications for a full overview of the application process, eligibility criteria,
Download here the current list of placements available. Placements highlighted in RED are not available anymore.
Fill out here the 2022 Application Form.
We are looking forward to your application. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
National Contact Point Colombia & TRAJECTS Latin American hub:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Nataly Díaz
National Contact Point South Africa & TRAJECTS African hub:
Michelle Pressend
University of Cape Town
General queries and applications from applicants from outside Colombia or South Africa can be addressed to:
National Contact Point Germany and TRAJECTS European hub:
Technische Universität Berlin
Paola Yanguas Parra
Concrete questions about specific placements can be clarified via email with the placement contact point BEFORE the submission of the application.
The TRAJECTS centre is one of the four DAAD funded Global Centres for Climate and Environment which have received funding from Germany’s Federal Foreign Office. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the DAAD, the Federal Foreign Office or other German agencies or bodies.