Capacity-building needs assessment in coal+ regions and programme concept

An assessment of regions’ varying needs was based on interviews with diverse practitioners1 in thirteen European countries. Their personal perspectives have revealed definite knowledge gaps overall, some of it relatively unsurprising and others somewhat eye-opening. Generally speaking, actors in the regions wish to understand better especially socio-economic aspects to the just transition, such as economic diversification and re-skilling workers. They see distinct opportunities for region-wide switches from fossil-fuel dependence towards the sustainability and resilience to be found in renewables, efficiency, etc., but also some concerns of how to drive it forward in a financial sense, in particular by attracting investments and applying innovative funding approaches. At the same time, all stakeholders seem to understand that steps need to be taken in on-boarding other stakeholders, whether systemic engagement across sectors and governance levels or still convincing certain actors/communities about the need for a just transition at all.
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