Case Study Synthesis Report

The CINTRAN project analyses the transformation processes in four European carbon-intensive regions: Silesia (Poland), Western Macedonia (Greece), the Rhineland (Germany) and Ida-Virumaa (Estonia). The decline in demand for fossil fuels in the wake of the energy transition may therefore lead to significant economic and social disruption, such as job losses in the mining and power plant industries, declining tax revenues for municipalities and social tensions due to uncertainty and fear of change. On a broader level, the energy transition promises to improve the quality of life for residents: cleaner air, reduced noise pollution, and a healthier environment are tangible benefits that can contribute to overall well-being and attractiveness of the region.
This synthesis outlines and compares the research conducted in the four target regions as part of the CINTRAN project and examines the interdependencies between carbon-intensive industries and their host regions. The four regional country studies carried out as part of the project are discussed and compared. In addition, the research results of the socio-economic, socio-political and socio-demographic dimensions of the project are presented. The report concludes with policy recommendations.