07. April 2024CINTRAN flagship insights to help navigate the just energy transition – the Final Take
This is the 10th and final online event of our CINTRAN capacity-building programme aimed at practitioners interested in learning more about the just energy transition in coal+ regions across Europe.
This event happened on 25 April 2024. The online recording can be found here and presentations here.

Date: Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 10:00 – 11:30 CET
Slides: here
Recording: here
After four years of research and countless exchange opportunities with practitioners and policy-makers, the CINTRAN community has reached its final set of milestones. The research and activities done by project partners sheds light onto multiple aspects that can help coal+ intensive regions move forward for a just transition. For this reason, we want to invite our community one last time to dive into the final flagship outputs of the project and reflect on how they can be translated into action adapted for your local contexts.
At this tenth and final online event, the project coordinator of the CINTRAN project will present the main insights, many of which were already voiced to key decision-makers at the European, national, regional, and local levels of governance during our final stakeholder event in early March. We also will give the floor to the great team that has been working behind the scenes to produce all these main publications. We have prepared a round of four brief pitches to present some of the flagship outputs: inventory of coping strategies and related narrative maps; the Just Transition Readiness Tool (JT:READY) for regions who want to undertake or review their own strategy; research on compensation policies at the European and international scales; and the 4 key principles drawing upon lessons learnt from all publications and the Transition Academy series as a whole.
The entire CINTRAN capacity-building programme of in-person Academy events and webinars has aimed at practitioners and everyone interested in learning more about the just energy transition in coal+ regions across Europe. Within this final interactive webinar, you will hear directly from principal researchers about their journey and findings within the CINTRAN project. Thereafter, Matthias Ecke, a German Member of the European Parliament, himself from a coal region, will reflect on the outputs and present his own perspective on the just energy transition across Europe. As usual, participants will be able to pose their thoughts and questions throughout the event, including during a dedicated Q&A session offering a space for multi-regional interaction.
- Lukas Hermwille – CINTRAN Project Coordinator – Wuppertal Institute
- Matthias Ecke – Member of the European Parliament, Germany
- Marie Claire Brisbois – Senior Lecturer in Energy Policy · University of Sussex Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU)
- Lola Nacke – PhD candidate – Chalmers University of Technology
- Jannis Beutel – Researcher at the International Energy Transitions Unit – Wuppertal Institute
- George Stiff – Sustainable Energy Systems – ICLEI Europe
Moderators and Facilitators
- Franco Crudi – Justice Equity & Democracy – ICLEI Europe
- Jessica Jewell – Associate Professor – University of Bergen and Chalmers University
- Jacob Broehm – Events and Project Communications – ICLEI Europe