23. March 2022Coal+ Regions in Transition event series has launched!
Stay tuned for the next event in the series!
CINTRAN presents the Coal+ Regions in Transition event series: A Capacity-building programme aimed at practitioners in coal+ regions across Europe
The CINTRAN project is excited to launch its Coal+ Regions in Transition event series in order to share with each other how to make sure that the energy transition does not just happen, but happens justly!
The series consists of 10 online events running between April 2022 and 2024. In every event we will explore a variety of themes about European coal+ regions – coal+ meaning those regions which mine(d) and/or intensely use(d) coal, oil shale or peat. The series often features the experiences of four highly fossil-fuel dependent regions which are focal points for CINTRAN: Western Macedonia (Greece), Upper Silesia (Poland), Ida-Virumaa (Estonia) and the Rhenish mining area (Germany).
All ten of CINTRAN’s e-seminars are open to anyone who has a passion or interest in making the energy transition a just transition. Each event will focus on one pressing theme faced by European coal+ regions, highlighting both challenges and opportunities. The series will explore not just practical solutions, but also transparently discuss how to learn from any mis-steps in the process. The purpose is to share replicable hands-on experience, the good and the bad, to inspire your own just transition.
CINTRAN partner ICLEI Europe is coordinating the overall event series, and each event will host diverse speakers presenting experiences from several coal+ regions across Europe. Perspectives will include policy-makers and public authorities at multiple levels, civil society, trade unions, researchers, and more practitioners working at the forefront of the just energy transition.

Source: MG 7111 by Max Bashyrov on Flickr, CC BY 2.0
Past events in the series include:
- Russia’s war’s effects on coal+ phase-outs (6 April 2022)
- Territorial Just Transition Plans, in Process and in Practice (19 May 2022)
- Economic diversification and resilience in coal+ regions (20 September 2022)
- Coping together: united communities & engaged governments for a just transition (6 December 2022)
- Powering the just transition through youth engagement (8 February 2023)
- Designing a gender just transition (28 March 2023)
- Promoting energy communities for a just transition? (5 July 2023)
- JT:READY – Launch of the Just Transition Readiness Evaluation Tool (6 December 2023)

The CINTRAN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 884539. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of CINEA or other EU agencies or bodies.