09. November 2023JT:READY – Launch of the Just Transition Readiness Evaluation Tool
This is the next CINTRAN capacity building event for coal+ regions, which brings together practitioners’ voices from several European coal regions to discuss the launch of the Just Transition Readiness Evaluation Tool.
This event happened on 6 December 2023. The online recording can be found here and presentations here. You can also read a blog post about JT:READY here or directly go to the tool here.

Date: Wednesday, 6 December 2023 at 11:00 – 12:00 CET
Registration: please register here
This next edition of the CINTRAN capacity-building programme is aimed at practitioners and everyone interested in learning more about the just energy transition in coal+ regions across Europe. Within this interactive webinar, you will learn about the newly launched ‘Just Transition Readiness Evaluation Tool’ (JT:READY) which aims to enable policy-makers and practitioners in coal and carbon-intensive regions in Europe to understand and use a whole-system approach to just transition and learn how it can be subsequently translated into local action.
The tool is designed following a step-by-step logic, starting at the very beginning of why there needs to be a transition in the first place and what exactly ‘just’ means, and then subsequently arguing how the principles of just transition can guide the identification of goals, levers and policy fields. At the core, the tool provides a comprehensive overview about the themes and topics that play a role for just transition policy development and suggestions and examples for policy responses. Based on a whole-systems understanding of just transition, it takes into account distributional, procedural and recognitional justice considerations combined with a clear focus on striving for ecological prosperity and showcasing how sub-national policies can support that process. In that sense, the tool enables practitioners in the regions to identify levers and triggers for starting deep structural change processes that can kick off the much-needed transformational dynamic to realise a just and in-time transition to climate-neutrality.
During the webinar, we will hear from the keynote speakers how the tool is structured and how it functions in practice. Several case studies will be presented, showcasing regional insights and the role that such a tool can have for the key stakeholders and decision-makers. Finally, we will have a reflection and discussion with the panelists, during which we invite all participants to ask questions that would be of interest to them, as well as to share their own experiences, challenges, opportunities, and examples from their regions.
- Jannis Beutel, Wuppertal Institute, Researcher on Future Energy and Industry Systems, International Energy Transitions Research Unit
- Carsten Elsner, Wuppertal Institute, Researcher on Energy, Transport and Climate Policy, Global Climate Governance Research Unit
- Tomaž Cigüt, ICLEI, Senior Expert, Sustainable Energy Systems Team
- Jennifer Cote, ICLEI, Expert, Events & Project Communications
Ready for a sneak peak of the webinar? Get a glimpse of the JT:READY tool below!