Action Plan for the Transformation of the Upper Nitra Region (Slovakia)
In 2019, Slovakia launched an Action Plan for the Transformation of the Upper Nitra Region. News about designing the action plan started to appear in early 2018, when national government and EU representatives agreed that the region’s coal mines in Upper Nitra could not be closed immediately because of energy security and the need to provide electricity for industries in the region. Early reporting mentioned the need for an action plan focused on the improvement of the region’s road and rail infrastructure, employment and retraining of workers from the region, the use of innovation potential, the revitalization of former mines, and various other forms of employment.
In April 2019, the local government of the capital of Upper Nitra, Prievidza, presented its intentions for an Action Plan, including the construction of the industrial park Prievidza – West II; central heat supply for the city of Prievidza; the creation of a utility company of Upper Nitra; the development of social services; reduction in energy intensity in several public buildings; the establishment of energy service in Prievidza; and the creation of the Upper Nitra Transformation Support Center. The document produced in July also included a major role for Slovenské elektrárne (SE), the coal-based utility, in the transformation: it was planned that SE should end the production of heat from brown coal at the Nováky Power Plant in 2023, and that SE produce power through secondary waste treatment. The Action Plan discussed promoting low-carbon energy, energy efficiency and smart energy solutions. The strategic document also includes a schedule for the gradual decline and closure of mining works, and severance pay for miners.
In 2020, it was announced that EUR 500 million would be assigned from the European Union to support the region’s transformation through the Fund for Just Transition. Four large projects (almost EUR 55 million) were launched using additional European funds in the region to support small and medium-sized enterprises. EUR 18 million was received to create new jobs. Another EUR 12 million supported employment in the region, through retraining and training courses or study programs for miners. Construction of the Prievidza bypass and other road infrastructure projects totalling EUR 23 million was also launched. An implementation unit with experts in regional development in the Trenčín self-governing region was also established, aimed at helping with the preparation and implementation of individual projects. A similar project was planned for the city of Prievidza in partnership with the cities of Handlová and Bojnice. In December 2021, the mayor of Prievidza announced that a further EUR 25 million would be spent on the development of Upper Nitra within the Institute of Sustainable Urban Development (UMR). Funds from the UMR could be requested by cities and municipalities for the development of specific projects (e.g., clinics, sports grounds, transport systems).
Further reading
MY Horná Nitra (2020): Na podporu transformácie regiónu má ísť z európskej únie 500 miliónov eur. Read here.
MY Horná Nitra (2019): Horná Nitra má byť atraktívnym a sebestačným regiónom. Read here.

The CINTRAN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 884539. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of CINEA or other EU agencies or bodies.