IG BCE Union meetings with the Minister of Economics, Germany

“IG BCE Tarif 2015” by IG BCE
The IG BCE union represents workers in chemical, paper, ceramic, leather, mining and energy. It is the third largest trade union in Germany and represents more than half a million workers. In 2015, the Chairman of the IG BCE Union, Michael Vassiliadis, expressed public concern about the proposed German climate laws, and proposed carbon taxes. As a result, he was able to meet directly with the Federal Minister of Economics, together with the Minister of Economics of North Rhine Westphalia to discuss other options for meeting required carbon targets.
This is an example of a strategy that was only available to political elites. It was not successful in preventing the closure of coal, or the loss of coal jobs. However, it was effective in the long term, when combined with other efforts on the part of IG BCE and other coal interests, in ensuring substantial concessions for coal workers, and for affected regions.

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