Heavy industrial activities in Northern Hungary

“my dad’s old car” by .:Photo_Steel:. is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.
In July 2017, Hungarian petrochemical company MOL announced it was preparing for one of the largest organic investments in its history, spending about EUR 1 billion to build a petrochemical complex for the production of plastic raw polyols. Then in mid-October, Mol signed another contract with Thyssenkrup, which, according to the summer announcement, would supply the ‘technological heart’ to the petrochemical complex, together with Evonik IP; under this new contract, the project was to be expanded with the addition of a propylene glycol production unit. In November 2021, construction of the multi-plant complex with almost three thousand workers, was ongoing.
Further reading
Portfolio (2017): A magyarok is nagyot kaszálhatnak a Mol gigaberuházásán. Read here.
Portfolio (2021): Fontos autóipari beruházásnak tették le az alapkövét Miskolcon. Read here.

The CINTRAN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 884539. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of CINEA or other EU agencies or bodies.