Investing in gas
Replacing coal or oil with gas to reduce emissions
Investing in gas-powered projects is a quasi-adaptive strategy that, in practice, resists or seeks to delay full decarbonisation. It is deployed in regions where near-term transitions to non-carbon fuels are deemed too financially or politically costly. This strategy includes switching coal-fired power plants to gas; investing in LNG-powered trains; and, investing in high-pressure gas pipelines to upgrade and expand national natural gas systems. [start a new paragraph here] Investing in gas is not a very common strategy. Gas is a fossil fuel and the EU’s political and financial support for it has waned. As such, companies and governments often prefer to invest in other forms of energy. In July 2022 the EU parliament backed labelling gas and nuclear investments as ‘green’. It is thus possible that investment in gas will increase in the future.
Further reading
Reuters (2022): EU parliament backs labelling gas and nuclear investments as green. Read here.

The CINTRAN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 884539. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of CINEA or other EU agencies or bodies.