The German Coal Commission

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The German Coal Commission brought together 28 key stakeholders from across industry, labour, and the NGO sector, beginning in 2018. The process was convened by the German Government and was officially titled “The Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment”. Participants were asked to work together through deliberative methods to determine a strategy for phasing out coal-fired power generation. The group was also asked to develop policy proposals to support new economic activity in regions dependent upon coal.
The Commission ultimately created a report with recommendations for coal phase out that was submitted to the German Government in 2019. The report was nearly unanimously supported by members of the Commission (27 votes for and 1 against). However, there are critics who argue that phase out should happen faster than the timelines agreed by the Commission.
Further reading
Agora Energiewende (2019). The German Coal Commission: a roadmap for a just transition from coal to renewables. Read here.

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