Individual or joint letters to attempt to influence policy or business decisions
Converting former coal or oil shale sites for other energy or industrial uses
Government plans to re-develop regional or local economies
Meetings, surveys or questions to gather public input on decisions
Research into energy transition options
Migration because of a lack of local employment opportunities
Ideas, activities and opinions expressed through the media
New relationships or collaborations
Elite meetings to dicuss transition pathways
Replacing coal or oil with gas to reduce emissions
Fossil fuel company restructuring to cope with decarbonisation policy
New initiatives for research, development and innovation
Infrastructure for battery production and other energy storage facilities
Development of non-energy industries
Investing in tourism and creative industries
Government policies and funds aimed at keeping carbon-intensive infrastructure open for as long as possible
Use of lawsuits to pressure against decarbonisation activities
Government allocation of funds approved by the EU from the EU Just Transition Fund
Investments in electric vehicles and electric vehicle infrastructure
Education and vocational programs to help people develop skills for the energy transition
Workers strikes and sit-ins to protest decarbonisation actions
Grassroots or union actions taken to protest policy decisions
Development of strategies or plans to produce or use hydrogen
Closure of fossil fuel plants or mines
Meetings to discuss transition pathways and processes
Measures to reduce energy consumption, and reduce associated energy costs
The development of local, community-owned energy projects
Support packages or opportunities offered to redundant fossil fuel workers
Deliberative, participatory and consensus-oriented processes
Planning and funding solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, or hydro, and district heating